Our Alumni
Welcome Back Alumni!
Since 1921 Camp B’nai Brith has been providing a program that helps children gain self-esteem, learn new skills, and make life-long friendships. A positive camping experience has been shown to be the single most important factor of future community involvement and positive Jewish identity. Whether it was meeting your best friend, wore white on Shabbat for the first time, visited nurse Bonnie every now and then, or learnt how to play tennis, your camp memories will stay with you forever. The traditions, energy, and spirit you created at Camp B’nai Brith carry on in camp to this day.
As a Camp B’nai Brith alumni you are, and will forever be part of our family.
Please feel free to share your old photos or stories with us, you can email them directly to Erin.
If you have not done so already please follow our Camp B’nai Brith Alumni Association page on Facebook.