What to bring to Camp
What to wear? Dress for the weather! Campers should be dressed according to the weather when they leave in the morning. They should carry in their knapsacks the clothing that they may require for the forecasted weather. On cloudy or rainy days, the campers should bring rain boots or waterproof shoes, a raincoat, and extra socks. Running shoes are recommended, not flip-flops.
What to Pack?
Please put sunscreen and bug spray on your child everyday before leaving home, regardless of the weather. Many cool mornings turn into sunny afternoons and we will only be reapplying sunscreen after lunch. Please also have your child wear their bathing suits underneath their clothing. Campers should also come to camp in their running shoes! It is important to come to camp well equipped with the items listed below.
Please make sure belongings are clearly labelled.
- Hat
- An extra bathing suit (2 total)
- Beach towel
- Waterfront shoes (sandals / flip flops)
- Reusable water bottle
- Sunscreen and bug spray
- Raincoat and rainboots (if necessary)
- Change of clothes
- Plastic bag (for wet/dirty clothes)
Lunch in a labelled lunch box preferably with an ice pack. We will be able to refrigerate lunches upon arrival in camp. Please do not send any food that needs to be microwaved or heated.
We ask that you please respect our nut-free environment and not send any food with any sort of nuts. HPC@CBB is a NUT & PEANUT FREE camp. Anything that contains or may contain nuts will be sent home. We ask that you please read ingredients carefully. Do not send any food items that say “may contain traces of nuts/peanuts.” If your child eats nuts before coming to camp, please wash their hands carefully and brush their teeth before entering camp. Thank you for your cooperation in this!